Smiths Funeral Directors

Funeral arrangements in Peterborough by Smiths Funeral Directors

Funeral home at 75 High Street, Peterborough, EN PE2 8DT

Funeral arrangements and pre-paid plans with Smiths Funeral Directors in Peterborough call 01733 347 474.

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in Peterborough, EN

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  • I couldn't rate Smiths Funeral Directors highly enough! It has been devastating for my family to have recently lost both my mum and my dad in the space of a few months. The incredible sensitivity shown by all at Smiths, Mark in particular, and the way in which my family has been treated with such respect and dignity, is beyond words ....... we couldn't have hoped for better at such a difficult time in our lives. Nothing was too much trouble. Highly recommended!

    Added July 08, 2019 by Lyn Smith
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Smiths Funeral Directors website info

Website address:

Website title: Funeral arrangements in Peterborough by Smiths Funeral Directors

Website description: Funeral arrangements and pre-paid plans with Smiths Funeral Directors in Peterborough call 01733 347 474.